Vol.5, No.1 (2006.7.30)

Cover illustration 表紙図
しばしば高さ10cmを超える子柄はほとんど分枝せず,先細りする姿は,和名のとおり薙刀を連想させる.高山の地上に生え,ハイマツの根元の半日陰の地点(写真左)や,矮性低木に混じることが多い.北海道ニペソツ岳標高約1800mにて,1986年8月21日,原田 浩撮影.
Cladonia maxima (Asah.) Ahti
“Naginata-goke” (the Japanese long sword lichen). The long podetia, frequently over 10 cm long, usually unbranched and tapering at the tips, recall the Japanese long sword. In Japan it grows on the ground frequently in partial shade under Pinus pumila scrub (left photo) or among dwarf shrubs in “the alpine zone.” Photo by H. Harada; ca. 1800 m elev., on Mt. Nipesotsu, Hokkaido Isl., northern Japan, 21 August 1986.
Cover Illustrations of Lichenology Vol. 5, No. 1
Kinoshita Y., Yamamoto Y., Yoshida E., Okuyama E. & Yamazaki M.: Screening in Natural Thalli and Cultured Mycobionts of Lichens for Inhibitory Activity of Monoamine Oxidase
[木下 靖浩・山本 好和・吉田 英治・奥山 恵美・山崎 幹夫: 地衣類および地衣菌におけるモノアミン酸化酵素阻害活性のスクリーニング]
Lichenology 5(1): 1-6.
Takenaka Y., Tanahashi T., Miyawaki H. & Hamada N.: Contact between Lichen Mycobionts (Graphis prunicola and Pyrenula sp.) and Photobionts (Trebouxia erici) Cultured in Liquid Medium
[竹仲 由希子・棚橋 孝雄・宮脇 博巳・濱田 信夫: 液体培養した地衣菌と地衣藻の接触]
Lichenology 5(1): 7-11.
Harada H. & Wang L.-S.: Taxonomic Study on the Freshwater Species of Verrucariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan, China (2). Genus Staurothele
[原田 浩・王 立松: 中国雲南省産アナイボゴケ科淡水生地衣類の分類学的研究(2). ミドリサネゴケ属]
Lichenology 5(1): 13-22.
Harada H. & Wang L.-S.: Taxonomic Study on the Freshwater Species of Verrucariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan, China (3). Genus Thelidium
[原田 浩・王 立松: 中国雲南省産アナイボゴケ科淡水生地衣類の分類学的研究(3). マルミゴケ属]
Lichenology 5(1): 23-30.
Kawakatsu M., Yamamoto Y. & Miyagawa H.: Pyranonaphthoquinone Pigment from Cultured Lichen Mycobiont of Haematomma sp.
[川勝 理弘・山本 好和・宮川 恒: Haematomma sp.より単離した地衣菌が生産する赤色色素]
Lichenology 5(1): 31-36.
Obata H., Shiga N., Takemura T., Kawahara H. & Yamamoto Y.: Properties of Cell-Free Ice Nuclei from a Novel Ice Nucleation-Active Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trevis.
[小幡 斉・ 志賀 紀人・竹村 友伸・河原 秀久・山本 好和: 新規な氷核活性を有するHeterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trevis.(キウラゲジゲジゴケ)の遊離氷核物質の特性]
Lichenology 5(1): 37-44.
坂東 誠: 人工栽培条件下に置かれたナミガタウメノキゴケ,ウメノキゴケおよびマツゲゴケの成長に及ぼすNaClの影響
[Bando M.: Effects of NaCl on the Growth of Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale, P. tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale and Rimelia clavulifera (Räsänen) Kurok. under Experimental Condition]
Lichenology 5(1): 45-48.
坂東 誠: 人工栽培条件下に置かれたウメノキゴケParmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Haleの成長に及ぼす地衣抽出液の影響
[Bando M.: Effects of Lichen Extract Solution on the Growth of Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale under Experimental Condition]
Lichenology 5(1): 49-52.
Xiao Y.-Q., Wang L.-S., Liu P.-G. & Hur J.-S.: Notes on the Lichen Genus Polychidium from China
Lichenology 5(1): 53-57.
Wang L.-S., Harada H. & Hur J.-S.: Contributions to the Lichen Flora of Yunnan and Adjacent Area, China (1). Leioderma sorediatum and Erioderma meiocarpum (Ascomycota, Pannariaceae)
Lichenology 5(1): 59-64.
山本 好和・原田 浩: 分布資料(13). コフキニセハナビラゴケ Leioderma sorediatum
[Yamamoto Y. & Harada H.: Materials for the Study of Distributions of Lichenized Fungi (13). Leioderma sorediatum]
Lichenology 5(1): 65-68.
綿貫 攻: 分布資料(14). シロコナモジゴケ Diorygma soozanum
[Watanuki O.: Materials for the Study of Distributions of Lichenized Fungi (14). Diorygma soozanum]
Lichenology 5(1): 69-71.
山本 好和・岡田 慶範・原田 浩・吉村 庸: 分布資料(15). フトネゴケ Bulbothrix isidiza
[Yamamoto Y., Okada Y., Harada H. & Yoshimura I.: Materials for the Study of Distributions of Lichenized Fungi (15). Bulbothrix isidiza]
Lichenology 5(1): 73-75.
原田 浩・岡本 達哉・安斉 唯夫: 釜無山(長野県)カラマツ林の地衣類(第1回日本地衣学会観察会採集記録)
[Harada H., Okamoto T. & Anzai T.: Corticolous Lichens in a Larix kaempferi Plantation with 60 Years Old Trees on Mt. Kamanashi, Nagano-ken, Central Japan]
Lichenology 5(1): 77-82.
山本 好和・高 萩敏和・坂東 誠・吉村 庸: 京都市大原の地衣類
[Yamamoto Y., Takahagi T., Bando M. & Yoshimura I.: Lichens in Ohara, Kyoto city, central Honshu, Japan]
Lichenology 5(1): 83-85.
Lichenology 5(1): 88.